Professor Nina Opanasivna Virchenko is the outstanding educator of Kyiv Polytekhnika (to the 120th anniversary of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute)




Life path, Scientific activity, Pedagogical activity, Teaching of mathematics, Educational activity, Organization of conferences


The article covers life and creative and scientific path of the prominent Ukrainian scholar and public person, Professor N. O. Virchenko, whose ascetic and educational activities serve as an inspirational example for present and future scientists.


Buldygin, V. V. (2005). Her life is Ukraine and mathematics [in Ukrainian]. U sviti matematyky, 11(3), 61–68.

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Virchenko, N. O. (2006). Essays on the methodology of teaching higher mathematics [in Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Zadruga.

Virchenko, N. O. (2007). For God, for Ukraine! [in Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Zadruga.

Virchenko, N. O. (2008). The giant of Ukrainian mathematics [in Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Zadruga.

Virchenko, N. O. (2010). Bibliography of works [in Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Zadruga.

Virchenko, N. O. (2011). Grains from the roads of my life... (Book of memories) [in Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Zadruga.

Zaderei, N. M., & Nefodova, G. D. (2014). Nina Virchenko is an outstanding teacher and mathematician [in Ukrainian]. In Proceedings of Fifteenth International Scientific Mykhailo Kravchuk Conference, May 15–17, 2014, Kyiv: Vol. 4. (pp. 98–101). Kyiv: Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Zaderei, N. M., & Nefodova, G. D. (2016). Famous daughter of Ukraine. Life, creative and educational way of Professor of Mathematics N. O. Virchenko [in Ukrainian]. In Proceedings of Seventeenth International Scientifi c Mykhailo Kravchuk Conference, May 19–20, 2016, Kyiv: Vol. 3. (pp. 233–239). Kyiv: Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Zaderei, N. M., & Nefodova, G. D. (2017). The first international mathematical forum of memory of academician Mykhailo Kravchuk (to the centenary of his birth, 1992) [in Ukrainian]. In Proceedings of Eighteenth International Scientific Mykhailo Kravchuk Conference, October 7–10, 2017, Kyiv: Vol. 2. (pp. 240–244). Kyiv: Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Zaderei, N. M., & Nefodova, G. D. (2017). Professor N. O. Virchenko. Selfless service to Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. In Proceedings of Eighteenth International Scientific Mykhailo Kravchuk Conference, October 7–10, 2017, Kyiv: Vol. 2. (pp. 245–250). Kyiv: Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.



Methods of teaching and history of mathematics