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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published and has not been submitted for review by other journals (or the comments to the editor below provide the necessary clarifications).
  • The submission file is typeset in LaTeX using the journal template (download).
  • Volume from 4 to 30 pages.
  • Language: Ukrainian or English.
  • The length of a short abstract in the same language is 600 characters (approximately 10 lines if using a template).
  • A long abstract in another language must also be attached to the article (if the article is in Ukrainian, then a long abstract in English, and vice versa).
  • The length of the long abstract is 1800 characters (approximately 25 lines if using a template).
  • This submission has not been previously published and has not been submitted for review by other journals (or the comments to the editor below provide the necessary clarifications).

Author Guidelines

Статті слід завантажувати в LaTeX за допомогою наданого журналом Шаблону. Щоб отримати докладні інструкції щодо подання статті, перегляньте Шаблон. Будь ласка, не забудьте додати додаткові файли (наприклад, .bib, .bbl, зображення тощо).

Analytical methods in mathematics

Fundamental and applied research in mathematics. Accepted papers: original scientific articles containing new results.

Application of mathematics in related sciences

Applications of mathematics in related fields, including engineering, economics, medicine, etc. Accepted papers: original scientific articles containing new results.

Methods of teaching and history of mathematics

History of mathematics and methods of teaching mathematics at a technical university. Accepted papers: original scientific articles containing new results and review articles.

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